Since our first road trip went so smoothly, we figured a short road trip to Dallas would be no problem...WRONG!!!! She screamed from Kingwood to Huntsville. We fed her and changed her and then thought that things would be better from there...AGAIN...WRONG!!! She was so tired but wouldn't fall asleep. So we ended up having to stop again and hold her until she was asleep and then carefully put her back in the carseat. We were going to Dallas for a wedding so by the time we made it to the hotel it was time to change and head to the church. Luckily there was a nursery provided and we were all too happy to leave her in the nursery after that road trip. Once we sat down I said to Scott, "We don't even know the name of the people we just left our daughter with". When we went to pick her up she was snuggled up asleep in the arms of one of the nursery workers so I guess she was fine. The reception was great. She was the hit of the party and loved the music and lights on the dance floor. More strangers held her all night, but Scott and I had a great time! Mommy introduced Taylor to line dancing! She loved the dancing! Trip home was a little better, but it will be a long time before our next road trip with Taylor!
Her dress is so pretty! I can't believe she wouldn't go to sleep in the car! Silly girl! I cracked up when you said that you didn't even know the nursery worker's names...ha! I'm glad you guys got to go and had fun at the reception!