Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My two front teeth!

Taylor loves playing with her Daddy when he gets home from work! She has unfortunately gotten to the point where she prefers climbing and clinging to mommy, but she is so excited to see her daddy when he gets home from work. I try my best to pass her off to daddy to climb on, but she inevitably crawls back to me. I feel like a human jungle gym and she is a rough climber!

So this is Taylor's new smile. About a week or two ago she started to crinkle her nose and snort when she gets excited. My mom said I used to do this when I was a baby too. She started cutting her two front teeth and it gives her facial expressions a whole new look! Scott and I were just commenting how she doesn't look like a baby anymore and is starting to look like a little person with a BIG personality! She may not say any words, but she definitely gets her point across. Her tantrum stage has started too, where she throws her arms and back backwards so you can barely hold onto her and then she cries the most pathetic cry. I am so not ready for the tantrum stage! Where did my sweet little angel go???? She is trying to talk so hard and wants to repeat words we say, but everything comes out with the "G" sound. "Ga, Gu, Gi" for everything! It is really cute! She will be walking and talking before we know it!

Getting into Everything!

Caught on camera before I fussed at her to get down! Taylor is climbing up on everything these days! She listens "relatively" well, but sometimes wants to test you to see if you are really serious before she stops doing something. Her favorite thing to do is play on the bed and the couch where she throws herself backwards into the pillows or tries to take a nose dive over the side. Yesterday was the first time I missed catching her before she hit the floor! I was devastated, she cried but was ok. You would have thought that would have taught her a little something about gravity, but no, she was at it again later that day. I have to keep a hand on her leg at all times. She is a fast little booger!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Little Gym

Taylor with her new friends Tristan and Chloe at the Little Gym today!
Fun with balls at the Little Gym!

So since Taylor started crawling a few weeks ago, she uses all of the furniture as a jungle gym to pull up on. It is so hard to keep up with her and keep her from letting go and bumping her head. I had the idea to take her to the Little Gym to give her a safe environment to play and climb. Today was our first class and she LOVED it! She was a little social butterfly. All of the kids were supposed to sit with their moms in a circle on the mat while we sang songs and did different exercises. My Taylor didn't think that sitting still and singing songs was such a great idea. She crawled around the circle to say hello to all of the other kids! The Little Gym was more of a workout for Mommy than Taylor. For one I had to chase her around the circle and two, all of the songs required some sort of lifting of the baby by the mommy. Our favorite part was climbing on the mats, swinging from the bars and learning how to do a tumbleset. My little girl was probably the youngest in the class, but definitely one of the fastest and the strongest! Both Mommy and Taylor made lots of new friends so I think that it was a success!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Taylor's Photo Shoot

Taylor is 7 1/2 months now and we just went to get her 6 month pictures. Better late than never! I wish we would have gotten them 2 weeks ago before she was on the move because it made picture taking a whole lot harder! But our photographer Kelsey Call is great and got some great photos. Taylor is a supermodel all hamming it up for the camera and in all of her smiles you can see those two cute little teeth. I don't have the pictures back but she did post some sneak previews on her blog at kelseycallphotography.com. Look at the entry for August 4th, Miss Taylor to see the cutest baby ever! My favorite is the first one of her sitting in my wedding dress. I was having an artisitic moment, rarely do I ever have an artisitic moment, and I thought it would be so adorable to have her playing in all of the tulle from my wedding dress. Not like the dress is going to get a whole lot of use for anything else, so why not?

We took pictures for an hour and Taylor was so good right up to the very end. I can't wait to see the rest. I will let you all know when the disk is ready so you can view and pick your favorites.

A Week with My Cousin Katie!

We loved having cousin Katie visit us for the week. Taylor had a playmate and since she is newly mobile, that was a huge help to me. Katie had her own little baby doll for the week and Taylor had someone to play with all week. We went to Nasa and the Health Museum and Taylor loved being around all of the people and the colors and lights!

I kept forgetting that Katie was just 10 and probably shouldn't be left alone with Taylor because she was so good with her and was always the first to get up the stairs to get Taylor when she cried (my legs and feet just don't move as fast as they used to!). One morning I had gone back to sleep after the 4 am feeding and woke up to footsteps above in the gameroom. I figured it was Katie waking up and watching TV and I turned on the baby monitor to see if Taylor was still asleep (I have taken to turning it off at night because if she really needs me I figure I will hear her without the monitor!) and the baby bed was empty! I figured that Katie had gotten her out of her bed and they were playing in the gameroom. I didn't really like Katie picking her up out of the bed by herself, but like I said, 10 year old legs are much faster than 32 year old legs! So I thought to myself that I better get up there and for a fleeting second I thought, "Katie's up there with her, they will be fine" and almost rolled over and went back to sleep, but my better judgement made me get my butt out of bed and go up there. It was a fun week, but I was pretty darn exhausted by the end of the week. Two kids are definitely more work than one!

Weekend in New Orleans

Throwing a birthday party for my Great Papa and Great Grandma!

Taylor and Grandma Janet

Playing with all of my cousins! Taylor thought she was a big kid just like everybody else. I don't think that she get's that she is just a little baby. She had a great time playing with all of her girl cousins!

We went to New Orleans two weekends ago for our newphew Bradley's wedding. This was Taylor's second wedding in her short little life and we discovered that she really loves to dance! She did so good for it being a night wedding and way past her bedtime. Everytime she got cranky I would take her out to the dance floor and she would start waving her arms, kicking her legs and smiling. She loves music and loves to dance, just like her momma! We were even out there line dancing together to Footloose! I thought I was rather talented to be able to hold onto her and keep up with Footloose in heels! I love this picture of us all dressed up. Of course this is pre-wedding before it got hot and then none of us looked this good for the wedding! I couldn't keep her shoes or her bow on, but at least we have this beautiful picture! It was a beautiful wedding and a fun weekend spent with family.